Raising boys can be difficult at the best of times. With generations constantly changing, it can be difficult to keep up with your son’s life as he enters a world you’re unfamiliar with. Whether we intend to or not, as your child develops, soon we’ll be the dinosaurs that need our kids to help with new and complicated tech. This is sadly just a fact of life and unfortunately can end up putting a strain on you and your son’s relationship. So, how can you make sure you maintain a healthy relationship with your son? Well, here’s a list of 8 activities perfect for father and son bonding.
The best way to bond is to find common ground with your son. Ask him about movies he likes and then maybe suggest watching some with him. It’ll reassure him that you’re interested in his life and it will also potentially help you learn things you may not have realised about your son’s personality. It may also be worth suggesting a father and son cinema trip to help you both get outside of the house. Who knows, it may end up becoming a regular thing.
Video Games
As long as you’re prepared for him to likely be far better than you, then another great way to bond with your son is by playing video games with him. Most boys nowadays spend a crazy amount of time on their consoles, what better opportunity to spend some quality time with him than by getting involved in one of his favourite hobbies. Find out his favourite games and if any of them happen to be multiplayer then you’re in luck. If you’ve never played a video game, it’s probably best to get some practice in before you suggest a game – it may end up frustrating for both of you if he has to spend his time trying to teach you how to play.
A very popular father/son activity, but for good reason. It will remind him that you still have plenty of things to teach him. There’s still probably a lot more you can learn about fishing as well. Like, did you know you can get special fishing reels for catching bass? As long as you remain patient, fishing can be a calming activity for both of you and it’s always good for both of you to reconnect with nature. Don’t be afraid to get your feet wet and show your son there are more ways to enjoy yourself. Plus, actually catching something would be a bonus as well.
Something we could all improve is our cooking skills. Try making some meals or even try your hand at baking with your son. It’s a great activity as there is room for error from both of you and requires you both to work as a team. Teaching him to cook will definitely benefit him in the future and you’ll also (after some trial and error) get some delicious meals out of it.
Whether watching or playing, there are so many different sports out there that there simply has to be one that you and your son can bond over. You could introduce him to your favourite sports team and take him to games as well as a treat. If you’re wanting to improve you and your son’s fitness then there are plenty of sports you can play in your backyard. Just be prepared to be a bit slower than you remember. Remember, you both have things to learn from each other.
DIY Projects
If you have some work to do around the house, then why not ask your son for some help? An extra hand will make sure you get those jobs done quicker. Anything from painting the walls or fixing up the car to building some furniture, there’s plenty of benefits for both of you by working together. Plus, by teaching him and letting him help, you’ll be giving him invaluable life skills as well. Boys always like to be right and can get frustrated when things don’t work out the way they intended. Be sure to keep your cool and reassure your son if he seems to be getting frustrated. Remind him that IKEA furniture is a challenge for everyone. There’s no harm in getting confused.
Ice Cream
If you’re looking for an activity that’s both sweet and simple (pun intended), then look no further. You don’t need to do anything fancy to bond with your son. Even just taking him to get some of his favourite ice-cream will help improve your relationship. It also works as a great reward after doing some of the other slightly more strenuous bonding activities from earlier like DIY or fishing. You never know, you might even find him feeling more comfortable with opening up to you.
Help them with homework
A bane of every kids’ existence, keeping on top of homework can be a difficult task. An excellent way to bond with your son is by helping him with more academic challenges like homework. Kids sometimes have trouble asking their teachers if they’re confused, so it could be beneficial for him to be able to ask you. Just make sure he doesn’t trick you into doing it for him. The most beneficial thing you can do is clear up his confusion so he can solve the problems for himself. This may require some refamiliarizing from you, but he’ll surely appreciate it.