These days we are almost entirely focused on the progression of the tech world. We are all excited to see the release of a new phone or smart device and can spend hours every day playing and using our own personal tech. This was not the case over a decade ago when these technologies didn’t really exist and so we had to find other ways to entertain ourselves. This was especially the case if you were a child growing up in the years before the technologically advanced 2000s. Kids back then would spend hours and hours outside, exploring their local area and hanging out with their friends. However, kids these days choose to spend their time surfing the web or connecting with friends on social media.


It is rare to find a child that prefers to experience the outdoors over new technologies, and though these new technological advancements may be exciting, it really is not healthy for children to spend all of their time indoors. Here is why it is important to get outdoor time with your children.


Health reasons

As we have advanced in terms of technology, we have also seen a rise in the number of children suffering from childhood obesity.  This is because children are not taking the time to go outside and get that much needed physical exercise. There have been steps to try and combat this through the use of technology, as many gaming companies have released games that encourage people to get on their feet. Though this has been helpful, nothing can really combat the feeling of walking through the great outdoors and stretching your legs.  Getting your child into the routine of often going out to play is also much more useful than trying to make them do strenuous exercise that they may not enjoy.



Spending time with your children can also be very beneficial in terms of building your relationship. If you spend all day inside, it is easy to get on each other’s nerves and this may put your relationship on the rocks. One of the best things that you could do with your child is to go on a camping trip. Camping trips are a great opportunity to take on the great outdoors and work together. It will also mean that you are spending an extended time away from technology, which can be extremely helpful if you are trying to gain some mental clarity. If you are hesitant to take a camping trip due to a lack of outdoor knowledge, you can always go online and look at reviews of gear for the outdoors. This will give you a good idea of what gear you will need and how to use this gear.



When your child gets older,  you don’t want them to only have memories of their childhood based indoors. There is nothing exciting about looking back at the days you spent indoors watching tv, so getting your child out and about will be a great opportunity to form memories that they will be able to look back on and smile.