It is instilled in us from a very early age how important it is to be good role models to those younger than us, this mindset is one that most of us carry throughout our lives and especially when it comes to parenting. In terms of fitness it is important to demonstrate to your children the importance of exercise and healthy lifestyle from a young age so that they can acclimatize to keeping healthy and hopefully carry this mantra through their lives.


As a mother it can be easy not to prioritize fitness as you are so busy raising and looking after a child it can be hard to fit it in however, it is very important to make an effort to set an example to your child. Doing this can instill the proper mindset around health into your child so that they have the correct information and they will see fitness as a normal thing to do.


Not only does fitness improve your own health both physically and mentally but setting this example to your children can in turn help improve their own fitness. There’s a variety of services out there that can help you with techniques to encourage your child to exercise and help you to find the time to do your own exercise such asFit2bmomwhich offers help and advice in regards to keeping you motivated.


Overall, your own fitness habits are so important to the upbringing of your child. You are your child role models so it is important to consider that whatever they see you doing they are likely to mimic this behavior, so it is so important that you behave in a way that you wish for them and doing so can have health benefits in the future.